[[3 minutes]].
[[6 minutes.]]\n
When lunchtime is over, you go to your [[next class]], history.
No. Shouldn't be studying in class. [[LISTEN]].
No, you'll listen. \nBut you want to sleep so bad...\nBut you can't.\nWell, won't. \n[[You look around]].
[[4 minutes]].
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Now you're hunger and stressed, great. That's not a good combo. You'll just have to wait until the [[break]] to eat a little bit.
[[1 minute.]]
You talk with your friends. You talk about what you did in the weekends. "Nothing much, you?" "Same here." Some mindless chats.\n\nThe bell rings. You get to [[class]].
The bell finally rings, and you run to get a snack. When you finish your fruit, you hastily go up to your class [[to do your exam.]]
You arrive at the class late.\nYou site down and the teacher babbles about some math notions. You look around, confused. You [[ask someone what you missed]]\nor [[don't bother]].
You eat your sandwich while chatting with your friends. They tell you what the first answer was. "Cold doesn't exist because it would be the absence of molecular activity, but the particules are always vibrating", they say. \nLunchtime ends with the bell announcing the next class, [[history]].
You look at the clock. It's getting late. Really late. You think of waking up at 6 in the morning, and it drives you straight to bed. You're tired, but [[can't go to sleep]].
You wake up, do your thing, and go downstairs. \nYou pass by the kitchen, you could either [[eat breakfast]] or [[skip it]].
You finish your exam and hand it to the teacher. [[You exit the class.]]
You eat your lunch. Quite fast, actually, because you [[didn't take your breakfast]].
You think about what you'll have tomorrow. How early 6AM is. How you HAVE to wake up for school, even though you CAN ditch school. You can do so many things, yet we chose to do something else. \nWhy? You would love to skip school tomorrow, yet you know you'll still go. Why do we do chose something over another?\n\nThese thoughts will be lost and forgotten by morning, and [[you fall asleep|Start]].
Oh no. You get insecure. Anxious. Stressed. You should have studied. Now you are hungry AND going to fail the exam. No. No.\nShould have. Did not. \nYou are not [[ready]].
And now you have a stomache ache. It was a really terrible day to start with, now that. \n\n[[Lunchtime is finally over]].
Everyone is pretty much dead-looking. Some don't even care. The teacher, exhausted, just gave us some [[exercises to do]].
You sneak your notes on your desk and [[glance at them frequently]].
The bell rings. You bolt up of your chair, hand over the test to the teacher, and go straight [[to the cafeteria]].
You clear your desk, and the teacher distributes [[the dreaded exam]].
You grit your teeth together. Just [[one hour]] to go. You can do it.
Eh, you should just skip it. \nYou catch up your bus just in time. You get to school 20 minutes before the bell rings. Your friends are there, chatting. Should you [[join them]] or [[study]] for the exam you'll have at the second period?
The teacher talks about math notions, how to solve x and y, and you actually understand. At least [[most of it]].
Can't. Concentrated. Tired. Feels pain.\n[[The teacher gives exercises to do in the student book.]]
Home. You can finally relaxe, trying to forget that tomorrow will be the same routine again and again. You do everything but schoolworks because you think you deserve it. It's the same thing again at home too: you eat your dinner, do your work when you feel like it, [[go to sleep]].
You finish your exam in time to check your answers. Your stomach still asks for food, but you tell yourself that you are eating in [[7 minutes]].
You open the textbook, and look at the questions. \nYou only think of "Shouldn't have ate too fast."\nYou don't do the exercises.\nYou'll just wait untill [[the end of school]].
25 minutes have only passed. 35 more minutes.\nthirty-five.\nt h i r t y - f i v e .\nt h i r t y - f i v e .\nThirty-four.\nThis is going to be [[long]].
You walk to your next class, [[history]].
You close your books and [[join them]].
You [[could study]] for the chemistry test, or continue to [[listen to class]].
You write down something about a theory. Anything is better than nothing, right? [[You go to the next question.]]
You read the first question.\n1. Explain why cold doesn't really exist. \n4 lines. You [[blank]].
You write down your answer on the sheet. Well, [[55 minutes left.]]
No. Focus. Study. Chemistry. \n\nThe bell rings. You get up and go to your [[first class]].
You open up your books while your friends chat about their weekend. You can't help but think if you should join them. Much more interesting than some chemistry notions. Do you [[abandon studying]] or [[keep at it]]?
The bell finally rings, and you immediatly snatch your chemistry book to study during the break. In a flash, the [[bell rings again]].
You look at the clock. You've got time to eat. You sit down, and serve yourself.\n\nYou go out, and get going. You take the bus, and arrive at school. The bell rings when you just took out your books. Well, gotta [[get to class]].
((by Helen))
[[1 minute]].
5 minutes of listening, and you are already [[bored.]]
You open the textbook, and look at the questions. \nBetter doing it now than at home.\nAfter 20 minutes of questions answered with more or less concentration, you're done.\nYou'll just wait untill [[the end of school]].
The bell finally rings, after long minutes about logarithm. Now, you have to confront the[[chemistry exam.]]
You tap on the shoulder of one of your classmate in front of you, and whisper "hey, what did I miss?". As she tells you, the teacher scolds you. He shoots you a last look, and continue [[writing on the board]].
"How did you do this number?", you ask one of your classmates.\n"Oh, it's how to to calculate the equilibrium constant."\n"Could you show me?"\n"Sure."\nAfter 3 minutes, you [[get the hang of it]].
Your [[alarm]] starts buzzing.
Well, you'll have to bear it until the [[bell]].
The teacher blabbers about his life. You think of [[studying chemistry]] for the exam next period. [[Or not]]. \n
You know the answer. You just read it 10 minutes ago. Your friend said it. You have it on the tip of your tongue, well, on the tip of your pen would be more appropriate. \nConcentrate. Something about [[heat]], or [[was it]]?
You are still writing when the teacher announce that you have to give your exam back. You write down your last answer, and [[quit the class]].
You still feel agitated from the exam, but you continue to munch on your sandwich. What's done is done, right?\nYou chat with your friends until the bell that announce the beginning of the class [[rings]].
You complete your exam in time. You hand it over to the teacher and exit the class [[to have lunch]].
The bell rings. You go to your place and the teacher give you the [[test]].
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The class is over, but you don't budge. You continue studying.\nThe [[bell rings again]].
[[2 minutes.]]
Finally, you can go [[home]].
[[5 minutes]].
The teacher talks about logarithm. You take notes, you scribble, you listen. Sometimes, you don't listen, sometimes you do. You look outside the window, lost in thoughts. You think how tired you are. You hear the teacher saying "this will be evaluated", and this get your attention. You write it down in your agenda. You look at the [[clock]].
The second bell rings. Your chemistry teachers passes the exam, and you look at the first question:\n\n1. Explain why cold doesn't really exist. \nWell. You skip it. The second question can't be [[that bad]].\n
After 10 minutes of math, you find yourself hungry and tired. You can't concentrate on what the teacher says. You only think of \nFood.\n Food.\n What is he talking about? Logarithm? \n Food.\n Food.\nYou start to regret not eating.\nOh, and [[you also have an exam later.]]
No. You don't know.\nYou think. Maybe something about a theory?\nYeah, [[you'll go with that.]]
First question:\n1. Explain why cold doesn't really exist. \n\nYou remember something about loss of heat and yadda yadda. [[That must be the answer]]... you think.
You devour your sandwich [[in no time]].
You sneek your book under the exercise sheet the teacher gave you. You memorize the formulas, do some numbers you marked as important. You still keep an eye on the teacher, so he doesn't catch you. And you go back [[to study]].
Yeah. Maybe. \nHeat. Cold. \nThink. Heat. Cold. \nCold is the absence of heat.\nThat's it! [[Cold doesn't exist because it would be the absence of molecular activity, but the particules are always vibrating.]]
Everyone is pretty much dead-looking. Some don't even care. The teacher, exhausted, just gave us some [[exercises to do]].
You're still hungry. You regret eating your lunch too fast, now you have nothing left. You should have eaten breakfast. That will teach you. \nThe bell rings. You go to your [[next class]], history.
You don't want to bother your classmate.\nYou continue to listen, but [[you're in total loss.]]
Already 5 minutes and you are tired.Your eyes wants to close so, so, so bad, but you can't. Well, sure, [[you can]], but [[that's not right]].
One painful hour. One long painful hour. But now you can finally [[go eat]].
You get up and\n[[get ready for school]].\n[[snooze]].
You read the questions. It's not easy, but you're concentrated. \nAfter an hour, you hand over your exam to the teacher, and exit the class. Your classmates all look nervous, and they chat about their answers. You just go straight to the [[cafeteria]].
The ring announces the end of the class, and you can hear your classmates shout chemistry notions. Questions are asked, you catch some\n"[[How?]]"\n"[[What is this?]]"
You can't even concentrate on what [[the teacher says]].
"So, sleeping in class? If you feel so comfortable here, why don't you read the text?", the teacher says.\nYou smile sheepishly, and search for what he asks.\n"page 134" the boy whispers to you.\nYou find it, and read it.\nWhen you finished reading, you look up. The teacher have already moved on to wake someone else.\n[[Whew.]]
"What's that?", you ask one of your classmates.\n"Oh, it's how to to calculate the equilibrium constant."\n"Could you show me?"\n"Sure."\nAfter 3 minutes, you get the hang of it.
You go to your next class, history. You stomache still hurts. [[Very badly]].
[[The teacher gives exercises to do in the student book.]]
First question: \n1. Explain why cold doesn't really exist. \nYou barely finished reading the question when your [[stomach gurgles]].
[[2 minutes]].
The bell rings. You continue memorizing the formulas, and the teacher orders the class to [[clear your desks]].
You continue listening to what the teacher says. If you missed the beginning of the class, you should at least redeem yourself by [[listening until the end]].
You go to the cafeteria. You chat with your friends about everything and nothing. The bell finally ring, and you go to your next class, [[history]].
You remember that you have an exam after. You see your other classmates study in their chemistry books. You glance the text book on your desk. Maybe you [[could study]], but you have to [[listen to class]].
The teacher distributes the exams. When you receive your copy, you start [[right off]].
You snooze. A few more minutes can't hurt, right?\n\nActually, it can. You wake up, half asleep, to see the red numbers \n7:02\nYou bolt up of your bed. You just missed the last bus. You skip breakfast, and arrive at school [[too late]].
A little nap won't hurt anyone. You slowly close your eyes, and the sounds around you fade.\nYou're relaxed, your hands hiding your eyes from the teacher reciting important events.\nYou feel... light. Good, even.\nSuddenly, you [[hear your name]].
After 10 minutes of math, you find yourself hungry and tired. You can't concentrate on what the teacher says. You only think of \nFood.\n Food.\n What is he talking about? Logarithm? \n Food.\n Food.\nAnd the [[chemistry exam]] you are going to have after.
The teacher is passing the copies. You take yours and write your name. Then you turn the page:\n1. Explain why cold doesn't really exist. \nAnd that was the first thing you studied this morning, or you would have forgot about it. Luck is on your side. [[You continue.]]
The minute you sit down at your desk, tiredness settles in. And you have a stomacheache. Great. You'll just have to [[bear with it]] then.
You've never been more happy to eat. Well, you're always happy when you eat.\nAnd now you're not, because you have a [[stomache ache]].